Speak Out 3/20/17

Monday, March 20, 2017

Who's paying for Trump's lunch

Yeah, I'd like to know who's paying for all those lunches that Trump is having at the White House? Everyday. Hundreds of people eating there. Who's payin' for this?

Agree with


[MAIL] You probably won't put this in the paper, but I'll try anyway. I agree with the president on his ban on immigrants. They come here from other countries and get on welfare and our government pays everything for them. They can get help when it comes to going to college and get a good job while people who are born and raised in the United States and have worked and paid into the government can't get any help at all. My granddaughter has been working and paying her own way since she was 15 years old, but she can't get any help so she can go to college. She got a grant for one semester and was on the dean's list while working two jobs. Now she can't get any help because she has to claim her parent's income, even thought she doesn't live with her parents and is 21 years old. I think they should take into consideration how hard a person works and is trying to further their education and help them have a chance. Thank you.

Reasons for


Yeah, in regards to the thing in the paper about the VA volunteer being suspended. She was doing things she shouldn't be doing or she wouldn't have been suspended. And as for the veterans in the hospital at the VA can't call and put anything in the paper so somebody else wrote this for 'em. Thank you.

Very sick

Yes, I'd like to run an ad in Speak Out and everything about these people tearing Jewish Cemeteries -- what's wrong with those people? Jews didn't do anybody harm. If they don't like Jewish people, they sure don't like Christ 'cause he was born in Jewish Judea. He was a Jew. If they don't like the Jews, they sure in the world don't like Jesus Christ. These people are very sick. Thank you to Speak Out and I hope you print this.