Speak Out 4/25/16

Monday, April 25, 2016

Shame on you

THIS MESSAGE IS VERY IMPORTANT TO PATIENTS ON MEDICARE WHO HAVE DIABETES. PHARMACIES HAVE BEEN HIDING THE TRUTH ABOUT MEDICARE PAYMENT. If you are paying co-pays it is because we are in a competitive bid area and Medicare only pays in full for supplies ordered from one of their approved medical supplies mail order suppliers. Call Medicare at 1 800 633 4227 and tell them about your situation, and they will help you to get to the right company. They do all of the paper work including getting your prescription from your doctor and mail your items every 3 months. you will save a lot of money... and shame on the local pharmacies who do not share that information.

Educated vs. smart

Speakout; I've been reading with interest the articles and letters concerning the decline in MAP scores and the use of MacBooks in the classroom. The DAR stated that MAP scores have declined for three years. Didn't the school start using Macbooks three years ago? I wonder if any of those educated people have considered that there might be a direct correlation between the two.

Being educated doesn't necessarily mean that you're smart. I know our school is run by educated people. But are they smart? Just wondering.

Thank you.

Open our eyes

Speakout Department

The Daily American Republic staff is to be commended for having the courage to accept and print the Sunday, March 27th commentary submitted by Patrick J. Buchanan titled: "Is ISIS faithful to the Islam religion." That article is so close to the real truth, and one never sees that mentioned in the media in the USA. I have taken the time to read the Quran over two times. Throughout the book infidels are not to be befriended. The Quran says the world peace will come with the elimination of all infidels, both Jews and Christians. At one point, the book states that a Muslim who fails to take up the sword against infidels is not better than an infidel. I hear over and over, even from presidents, that the Muslim religion is a peaceful religion, and is highly defended by CARE. I pray for Buchanan and the other leaders who run the risk to open our eyes to the reality of the spread of the second and third century revelation of a god named after a moon god of Mesopotamia. One must not hurt the feelings of that character, it might cost you your head. But on the other hand, even with all the political correctness you may muster, you may lose it anyway.

Living in fear

Fear Into Panic, Last Stand

We have a dictator, a court of clowns, and a congress of court jesters; living the good life while the Government of the People, by the people, for the people, suffer the bondage laid upon them. Why?

Our military is bleeding at home and around the world for a freedom being lost while the people live in fear. People you have a duty to do as the Government, to support your military. Are we stupid that we can not govern ourselves and send the dictator and our servants home. The Declaration of Independence give the people the right and duty to do? Please use your voice, your Bill of Rights, and your duty before you become Syria or North Korea.