Speak Out 3/25/16

Friday, March 25, 2016

Romney needs

to just butt out

I would like to say in the paper that Mitt Romney needs to butt out of our election and quit coaching the candidates on what to say. He gets mad 'cause he couldn't become president himself. And that's all I'd like to say.

Considerate not

found in schools

I'm wondering if they teach the word "considerate" in the Poplar Bluff School system. It seems about 75 percent of them know what "inconsiderate" is 'cause that's what they are. Just drive through town and you will see.

What we need?

More stoplights?

I wish four or five more businesses would come to town that way instead of . . . we could have stoplights every 200 feet instead of every 400 and everybody could sit and talk on their cellphones and wonder what the little handle is on the left side of their steering wheel.