Speak Out 1/12/14

Sunday, January 12, 2014

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Does Qulin need a new city hall?

I would like to know what is going on with the Qulin City Hall. Seems like just last year they replaced the flooring in the city hall and now they're gonna build a new city hall. Do the citizens of Qulin really need a new city hall? What's wrong with the building we have? Surely to goodness it can be used. Thank you.

We need

a pipeline

As we enter the new year here's just a thought for some people the next time they'd like to talk to their senators or representatives in Congress, particularly the little small town here in Poplar Bluff. We have multiple Burlington-Northern, Sante Fe trains traveling from the north heading to the south carrying crude oil. How many more of these disasters is it going to take before the Americans across the nation can speak out and say Mr. President it's time for the pipeline that you and your environmental do-gooders are preventing being built. How many people are going to have to die? How many more disasters do we have to watch on national news? So, make it your new year's resolution to call your representatives, call your senators. I indeed to. And wake them up that the delay on that pipeline out of North Dakota to south connections to other refineries around the nations is long overdue. We can't wait until there's another disaster or do we have to equate it with the same number of lives lost such as happened in Sandy Hook. Maybe then and only then when a disaster of such scale happens will people come into action and force the hand of our recalcitrant president and his crony senators preventing the pipeline. We need the energy. It's just time for the pipeline. No more rail disasters, please.