Speak Out 3/4/18

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Trashy mess

I often wonder if the citizens of Poplar Bluff feel as I do about the trash thrown out of vehicles onto the highways and streets and also peoples' nice yards. It just makes me so mad when I see this disgusting mess. Some of it is due to trash trucks that don't have the top covered when going down the highways at a little faster pace. I was behind one a few times and trash was flying out of the truck. Once I saw was blue in color, I think it said Republic Trash but also others do the same. The drainage ditches are a mess. Why can't people in cars and trucks wait until they get to a trash can to dispose of their junk? I'm proud of our town and wish something could be done about it. Like maybe cameras here and there to get license numbers and have stiff fines to pay for littering.