Speak Out 11/19/16

Saturday, November 19, 2016

You'll be crying

in your beer

I just wanted to call and congratulate all the Southeast Missourians for getting Greiten in as governor. I just heard he's for right-to-work state and I'm just glad everybody got him in there . Now you all are gonna see what Greiten is all about. It won't bring any more jobs in Missouri. It will be like Arkansas and Kentucky and some other states with right-to-work. You'll be crying in your beer and when all the wages go half or less in Southeast Missouri I want you to think about that.

Suck it up,

you voted for him

I would like to say that the American people are really ignorant. Under the Democrats you thought you had it wrong and bad. You ain't seen nothing until the Republicans all take over. They are only for the rich and you know people aren't realizing his A-List -- there isn't a one of them on there that worth an A-List in anything. They think they are so smart, so when things start getting bad and people start complaining just look at 'em and grin and say, Hey, suck it up, Nancy, you voted for him! Thank you.

No support from

PBHS teachers

I'm calling to say that I think it is absolutely horrible that my child was honored at the Academic Reception last night at the high school and not ONE teacher from the high school was in attendance. My daughter was honored last year in junior high and at that reception there were many teachers. The kids work really hard for this and I'm not happy about the lack of support from the high school teaching staff. They also weren't there for open house. I think somebody needs to talk to them. Thank you.

Why can't PB

fix its water?

Hello, Poplar Bluff,

I hope everybody is as excited as I am about our new water meters that we're getting. It's supposed to raise our bill. Every so often we get our bill every month with a notice in it that our water doesn't meet certain standards and if you have immune system problems or are very ill drink bottled water. Well that's what I have to do because I'm a very sickly person with a low immune system and have to pay my electric bill with my water bill and now I have to go buy EXTRA water so I can have something suitable to drink. But yet they are going to put in all these new wonderful water meters and raise our bill. Why don't they get the water fixed in this town? Funny to me. Maybe that's why so many of us come down with cancer. It ought to be looked into. I think somebody up in Jefferson City needs to be notified and I'm just the one to do it! Thank you.

Higher bills for

undrinkable water

New water meters?! Water which not suitable for drinking if you are elderly or ill. Reminds you of headlines out of Flint, Mich. Why can't our city officials get their priorities straight! Bring our drinking water up to standard. As it is now, our citizens will get higher water bills while they are having to by bottled water to drink! That is just NOT right! Afer you have brought our drinking water up to standard, then, and only then, should you replace the water meters. EGAD! Folks! It's common sense!

City wasting

money on lawyer

I'm a concerned taxpayer from Poplar Bluff and I want to know why our tax dollars are being wasted paying for an attorney outside of Poplar Bluff to defend a city supervisor who has been accused multiple times of harassment of city workers. I feel our tax dollars should not be used to defend this person's actions when we have roads in need of repair, we need a new city hall and police station built, and stop paying rent for both. And if this person has been accused so many times, why are they still being allowed to work and nothing is being done to fix the problem? I guess the city council likes to waste our tax dollars on outside attorneys rather than on our city where it is needed. Seems like wasteful spending and the citizens of Poplar Bluff are funding it.

Farm Bureau

cost him my vote

Well this morning we've got a new president and a new governor and maybe a lot of people are just like me, but I so resented the arrogance of the Clinton dynasty and the Slick Willie connotation certainly still on the Clinton name. I don't know about everyone else. Don't know if anyone else did, I voted for Mr. Greiten and I voted FOR Mr. Greiten because Mr. Koster was endorsed by the Missouri Farm Bureau. And having had dealings with their insurance I would never vote for a candidate that they endorsed.

Laughter at polls

was unnerving

This is Nov. 9, 2016. Yesterday when I went to vote o Tuesday at Kay Porter Theatre in Poplar Bluff I went in to vote and as I was voting I noticed they had a table around to the back where I guess overflow people go to vote. Anyway while I was voting and some of the people that were checking you in were very loud and telling jokes, laughing and I found it very distracting while I was trying vote and to read the amendments I did not understand and about half way through I hear somebody laugh extremely loud. I understand that they have to talk to the people when they come in and everything like that, but I didn't think they needed to tell jokes and laugh. I thought that was real unprofessional so I would hope that is addressed before the next election.