Speak Out 7/16/16

Saturday, July 16, 2016


in Poplar Bluff

I always feel like I live in the most ignorant place on the planet when things in the DAR involve situations like Dawn and Jessica Sicup. Was the husband she was fighting for the most handsomest man in PB? Was he rich, was he the smartest? Obviously, not. Why were there two women so eager to kill someone over this man? I would love to see a picture of him to see what I missed out on!

And also I watched for years how hit and run drivers, killed someone (two people I knew) got off scott free, never having to be accountable for anything is it because our prosecutor was too lazy or there wasn't anything in it for them. Too much trouble maybe: PB teaches people to not be responsible by doing nothing! I don't' know of anywhere else in America that doesn't have a law against hit and run drivers!

Also I've watched City Council four years no -- they have no business being in charge of anything, much less -- money.

No morals -- no conscience they don't understand to check everything, every detail out before making a decisions on anything -- If you don't understand it, don't vote on it until you do! (Simple). You need to have a brain to serve on this board.

We on the other hand just have people who want to be somebody. Oh, I'm the mayor, Oh I sit on the City Council, these people have no idea what is involved.

I can tell you one thing, everything you hide and cover up will be uncovered and seen.

Start throwing off those who are not worthy who set on the board, if they are questionable, get ride of them. If you don't their will be more embarrassment to come! Just telling you ahead of time, this is not a threat. It's just common sense.

We need a

new postman

Yes. I'm calling you about our Post Office. Please print this. It would be nice to have a postman that knew what he was doing over on East side in the projects.

Should coroner

arrest prosecutor?

Hello, Speak Out. After reading Wednesday's article about our fine Prosecuting Attorney Mr. Barbour, I wonder how fine he would feel if our coroner exercised his right and power to arrest him for failure to comply with a request? Just wonderin'.