Letter to the Editor

GOP needs to let process work out

Saturday, March 12, 2016

To the Editor:

I am a common sense Conservative and a Republican. Like many Americans, I have been concerned about the direction our country has been heading for the last seven years. Among the many issues I see is that our economy has been stagnant, our national defense has gone down and the federal government has been trying to impose rules that will increase the cost of our utilities. I had hoped that when the Republicans gained control of the U. S. House of Representatives and the U. S. Senate we would see an honest attempt to reverse what was happening to our great country. However, we have seen just more of the same in Washington.

While I have not been a Donald Trump supporter, I have come to understand his appeal. I do not always agree with Mr. Trump but I have an appreciation for his rather direct approach. He is not politically correct and that is fine to many people who have grown tired of the same old talk from the folks in power. What I see now is that the "in crowd" in Washington and around the country want to take away the will of the people who have voted for Mr. Trump and try to give the Republican nomination to one the "right" people. If they so this, we will have Hillary Clinton in the White House and more of what we had for the past seven years. I call for the national leaders of the GOP to back off, let the process work itself out and if Mr. Trump is the nominee, support him. No, he might not be what they have in mind but he is much better than the alternative.

Richard P.


Poplar Bluff, Mo.