Speak Out 11/23/15

Monday, November 23, 2015

Loss of services

I am stunned by the Butler County Health Board's decision to discontinue the in home health care program... Their reason was so they could divert more resources to teen-age pregnancy, etc. So this is the way it is: the folks who paid the bills for youngsters who act irresponsibly are now denied the care they need.

It is a callous decision at best. They may say they "understand" how the clients and staff feel, but we all know they do not. The thing that really upsets me is that you can be sure some of these patients who are losing this much needed service are former Key Drug customers, former patients of the good doctor or were VA patients when Mr. Montgomery was there. The thanks they get for their loyalty is to lose the care which keeps them in their homes. Hudson dances around saying there are many other sources for care.... but that does not resolve the grief they experience at the loss of their caregiver... Finally, I want to remind these members about the previous program developed to address teenage pregnancy: it was called TRAC and it lasted 2 years with no change in behavior or reduction in teen pregnancy rate.

Is an uncertain step like this with a history of failure in the past worth displacing these patients and their loyal staff.

Kink in New Wave service

I am complaining about New Wave Communications here in Poplar Bluff because they do not provide a "program channel guide." It's ridiculous to have all of these channels but no time or channel listing available to view them. I have called and written New Wave Communication but have had no response from the.

Perhaps Direct TV might be a better option.