Speak Out 10/26/15

Monday, October 26, 2015

Do we need to get on welfare?

[email] I was in the presence of a person on public assistance-she went to lunch, was going to get her hair done. She said she recently got a new living room set & next week was going to get a bedroom set. Another person on PA was telling how she had to take the dog to the groomer & it cost her $50 to $60 a month. I am a senior citizen-I cut my own hair-have never had 1 minute of hair care training. I never turn on a light-I've lived in the same apartment for 10 years & replaced 2 light bulbs. I use candles & an oil lamp. I never use my clothes dryer-use drying racks for my laundry. I've cut my cable to the basic-in the summer I set my thermostat on 85 degrees & in the winter, 60 degrees. What else can I do to save money? Apparently when someone else is paying the bills, you don't have to worry about these things. I don't have a problem with PA, I have members of my family on PA. But, it is getting out of hand. I don't even own a living room set-Why do the seniors have to pay the price? We worked many years to have something for our retirement & can't get the money we paid in...someone asked the question how come welfare never dries up?? I can tell you why-they're drawing our SS money... I'd love to hear your comments senior citizens...do we need to get on welfare?