Speak Out 8/29/15

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Interviews for

Council a joke

I've been here in Poplar Bluff for over 50 years and it's the same old thing with the City Council--good ole boy, good ole girl --you know less than 30 minutes to interview five candidates for the City Council. I've owned several businesses in my lifetime. If I'd just interviewed somebody in five minutes I'd have never hired anybody. I want to know something about 'em and what they stand for more than just three or four items. How can interview somebody five different candidates is less than 30 minutes with all the other stuff they were doing. It's the same old thing. They know who they're gonna put in the catbird seat already and they all know it. It's the same old, same old. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. When you get in office you vote like I want you to and I'll vote to help you. Same old. Same old. Bye.

Council needs

to make choice

I just read tonight's paper, which is Wednesday's paper. In regard to the City Council filling the seat for Dr. Jack Rushin, I would hope that the City Council would go ahead and pick a candidate. I think it is ridiculous at this point with this many people who have applied and been processed that we should have an election. I think we have great representation from all of the candidates and it really doesn't matter at this point who they pick. Just pick someone. And I think it says a lot about our council if they cannot even agree on this one decision.

(Editor's Note: On a second ballot, the City Council was unanimous in its selection of Jerrica Fox to fill Rushin's spot.)