Speak Out 7/24/15

Friday, July 24, 2015

Why's Brickell

not charged?

Has anything been done to Jay Brickell for all the nuisance that was caused during his last event? How can he keep getting by with ruining the creek, harassing the people that are coming in, or harassing the neighborhood, allowing underage drinking? People are being sent to the hospital.

Is it his money that's talking? Why has nothing been done to him?

No decency

on television

What has happened to the decency in television? The only reason why I'm asking this for years we've had to put up with the nonsense on cable television watching the Kardashians every move which I would acquaint to watching a slow motion circus, but now with this mess with Bruce Jenner it's like that circus has now added a freak show to keep all of the oddities in society tuned in. God help us if this is the way cable television is going to continue down this path.

When will the decent people in society speak up and say put this stuff on the late night TV or better yet let them market it to Hollywood. They understand sleaze out there.

Arm our


Another shooting of unarmed military personnel at av recruiting office. It's just like what happened a few years ago in Arkansas. Arm them so they can defend themselves.