Speak Out 6/5/15

Friday, June 5, 2015

Can't believe

a politician

Speak Out, this is in regard to the Speak Out message about the two cent increase that a gas tax would cost. Your two cent gas tax is wrote in stone. You will have it and more added to it forevermore. Item Two: politicians have some sort of an agenda and the first thing they will do is to redecorate their office or get a new desk when the old one is just fine or they'll get a new vehicle at taxpayer expense to go to work and back in. If you look at the vehicle with state tags on 'em you don't see a $12,000 vehicle. You see a $40 or a $50, 000 or even more. You simply cannot believe what a politician tells you. They're in business to get your money and they don't follow through on promises.

Look at the bridges on Hwy. 158 and that's just one close to town as an example. Marked down to a single lane many years ago. Hundreds of projects that didn't particularly need to be done have taken place while those were ignored, so, yeah! But whenever the Tri-Lateral Commission decides to add that two cents to gas it will happen just as they ordered the price of gas to go down and now they'd ordered the price of gas to go back up. Thank you.

John Glenn a

national hero

Yeah, I'll tell you out of all the astronauts I think John Glenn was a national hero. Always have. Always will be. So, to you, John Glenn, God be with you. God speed. Have a safe one. He'll be 95 here. That's remarkable! You've done a great job. You're a great American. I salute you. God speed, John Glenn.

We're being

taken, folks

I can see where the city's having some trouble with BOB downtown. You know BOB -- that Big Orange Building -- they built called a community center all this and every other speech (but) what the purpose was originally built for. Being nonprofitable that it's just sucking income out of the city like a vampire and then I see advertisement here on our new wonderfully worthless cable TV system that our city brought in upon our people advertising that they going to have HORSES at the coliseum. Horses. Really? C'mon, Poplar Bluff, don't be duped by these brain-dead dorks that are ordering these programs in. Bring in something that actually will generate a dollar. How about Larry the Cable Guy? or the Blue Collar Tour or somebody that had a draw for goodness sakes. Any reason why everybody from this town runs off to Branson because that coliseum just like the one in Cape are drains for income. If they can't learn that by now and sell it off to somebody who could actually make money with it. Nobody in city government has got a clue. Need to wake up, taxpayers. They're being duped and used and just for a little P. S. a six and one-half percent increase on our electric bills is a little bit excessive particularly when the seniors who are voters in our community barely got a 1.7 percent increase in their pay. Wouldn't it be nice if our energy was tied to the actual rate of inflation. Yep. We're being took, folks. Wake up and change our council and other city managers. We need it quickly before they tap us out like the Democratic Party done our nation.


or buildings

Congratulations to the Twin Rivers and Neelyville students for being great scholars. Oh, congratulations to Poplar Bluff for having buildings. I guess you have to have your priorities. Education or buildings?