Speak Out 4/28/15

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Glad sanctions

are lifted

If Iran has not been able to build a nuclear weapon in the past 50 years that we've been hearing about the dangers of them owning a nuclear weapon in countries in which we do not have good relationships with, I think they probably need some sort of remedial tutor. For many, many years it was easy enough to get the blueprint to build the bomb. I think I have agree with the Obama that we have been doing the same thing with Cuba and with Iran and with other countries for many, many years and we've been getting no results. So that is the definition of insanity--to keep doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result.

As much as it pains me I am glad that they are lifting the sanctions because, obviously, those people are not stupid. They're educated. If they wanted to use their bomb, they would have had it back in the 1990s. But no they don't have one obviously, but just like everybody else they need electrical power --nuclear power just like we have it in the America.

There's only been one country in the history of modern day that has a nuclear weapon and has unleashed it on the public and I believe that we love that country still. It's called the U. S. of A.

Felon has

gun question

Yes, I watch Channel 12 local news and read the daily paper a few times about people that's got a felony on 'em could carry a gun or no carry a gun own a pistol or something or a gun to go huntin' with. I also seen where it says they couldn't and I just wondered what the stand is on that. Can you or can't you? Can a convicted felon living in Missouri now with no priors with a gun or anything like that, can he still own a gun? I'd like to really know about that. If any law enforcement officers out there would tell me. I'd love to have a gun for safety because I'm an old man, but I don't want the break the law either. So someone out there please help me. Can a convicted felon without any priors with a gun have a pistol?