Speak Out 4/10/15

Friday, April 10, 2015

Do we need

wi-fi in cars?

Isn't it amazing how technology absolutely overwhelms common sense? What I'm getting at is: we who have seen the new AAA report on distracted teen drivers now jumping from the federal number of 14 percent up to 58 percent. It just amazes me how the industry can even do more stupid things with technology. What I'm talking about it's bad enough the kids are hanging on to their phones, texting and all that other stuff, but now General Motors choose to have wi-fi in many of their trucks and other vehicles.

Wake up, America. Do you really need all of this stuff in your cars? Particularly if you have a young teen in the home. I hope that someday common sense returns to the average family and to the industry that's pushing all of this technology as well. I'm just amazed how the march for every fancier vehicles will cost even more lives than the technology already has.

Let's pray for saner days, can we?

$6 for a day

off? It's crazy!

You know this Kaplan is an absolute nut! A $6 Rotary ticket and get $40 or $50 or $100 or $200 whatever city employees make. It's gotta be crazy. Why don't we just take and say, hey, if you come in and pay $20 on your city taxes we'll just knock the rest of it off for the year. That sounds good to me. Stop charging these people that don't pay any traffic tickets and charge them $300 and $400 and $500 a piece for 'em. We gotta get rid of this man is an absolute nut! We gotta send him packin' . Spaghetti-gate--he's a good one! Send him packin!