Speak Out 1/23/15

Friday, January 23, 2015

Shame on

PB dentists

Shame, shame on the dentists in Poplar Bluff. This is in regards to none of the dentists in Poplar Bluff, except for one, accepts Medicaid for children. Shame. Shame on you! Children's teeth need to be taken care of.

Why such a

small SS hike?

I have a question for anyone who is interested in all of our politicians, and especially our president. If the economy had grown so much and that everyone is making money why did the Social Security checks only increased by 1.7 per cent? Does he really believe that 1.7 per cent increase for us on Social Security is going to give us any money to buy all this expensive stuff when all the prices are going up on food and everything. Does he really think that he's showing us that the economy has increased. The economy hasn't increased at all! It's gone down. Only for certain people have they been making money and if it's so good why didn't we get a bigger increase? I wish somebody would answer that. Thank you very much. I appreciate your time and have a good day.

Real crisis at

Coliseum pool

There's a real crisis at the Black River Coliseum pool. The temperature has been lowered to 84, which is very uncomfortable for us older people who use it as their only form of exercise for walking in the pooling. Not only is it uncomfortable but it raises heart attacks significantly. I think the use will go way down, which may be the purpose. If there's no use, then it will be stopped. Please do something about it so us older people can still get some form of exercise.