Speak Out 12/24/14

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Current mess

is voters' fault

I like how people are complaining about the new city manager. It's the voters fault!! They decided to elect the Becker clan into the council. Vote out Pearson, Tinsley, Johnson and Rushin. Get rid of them and we can get our city back!!

The mayor and

her new jobs

Interesting . . . our mayor keeps getting jobs from new businesses coming into town before the public is even aware of them coming to our city, i.e. Hobby Lobby and now the new adult care center. So much for open and transparent-- the zoning issue went through with flying colors for the new adult care center. Obviously she pounds on these people before they even get settled in our community . . . but she doesn't keep the jobs for long! Wonder how many have been scared off by her and decided not to locate here!

Let Schrieber

run the city

Dear Speak Out. I sure hope you print this. In regards to Mr. Kaplan's front page comment about how he runs the city not the DAR. Mr. Kaplan, that's painfully obvious. For if Mr. Schrieber ran the city we would not be in the situation we are right now.

Passed up

albino deer

This is for Paul who writes the outdoor column. Would he have driven to Cape to kill that albino deer that everybody's cares so much about? No, he wouldn't have. I was also an outdoors writer for a paper for five or six years and I had a chance to kill a Piebald deer at one time and didn't do it cause it was so beautiful. Does he know what a Piebald deer looks like? No. So, back off. (Your Speakout speaks volumes. As to your assumption about piebald deer, you are quite wrong. Actually, I've seen two piebald deer while hunting. Both were does, in two different states. Both were in buck-only areas, but if they had been legal, then yes, I would have absolutely no problem shooting them. Would I have driven to Cape Girardeau to kill that buck? Not a chance ... we have albinos right here at home. - Paul Davis, Outdoor editor)

Is he worth

$160K salary?

The city manager job may be a $160,000/yr. job -- the question is, do we have a $160,000+ man hired do the job????