Speak Out 8/27/14

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Facebook and

city workers

I wonder what the city council would do if a city employee was caught with racist material on their Facebook page? I bet they would be fired on the spot.

What a double standard for the city council elite.

No baggy

pants in school

With school just opening I hoped they would institute a dress code for no baggy pants and not to be worn below the waist where they are supposed to be worn. It's disgusting to look at.

Kerry just

wasting time

So John Kerry is over in the far off lands trying to broker a peace treaty with the Muslims. This man is pretty stupid if he doesn't know that you can't make a treaty with the Muslims. They don't believe in treaties. Israel knows this. Why do we Americans not know this? Kerry is just wasting his time, wasting our time and wasting America's money. As if there isn't enough waste going on.

Any backbone

on the council?

One council person with courage and a backbone should call for a roll-call vote as to whether Councilman Tinsley should resign. Put them all on the record.

I bet there would be some squirming in city hall.

Wait for

next election

You know, I guess federal government and local government's the same deal when you have incompetent leadership you just have to wait for the next election. The county seems to be taken care of. I guess the next thing will be the federal and the city.

City manager

isn't needed

Yes, in Thursday's paper the new city manager made the statement: the goals of the council are what I am here for. They will be setting the agenda.

My question is: if that's the case, why in the **** do we need him?