Speak Out 7/30/14

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vote no

at Campbell

This is a notice to the working people of the Campbell school district. You are about to be called on to give your hard earned money to the liberals in our area to "help the kids" and build a new school! Look at all the signs, they spent enough on those to buy all new computers. But they know if they say this is for the "kids" they will get your "yes" vote.

"No new tax?" Think back a few years ago when the principal of the school wrote a letter in the Opinion page of the DAR and asked the voters to approve a tax levy hike from 44 cent to 76 cents, at least a 70 percent increase. He said we needed this raise in the levy, not to increase taxes, but to get more government money. The voters gave him what he axsked for, passing the proposition, and it wasn't two weeks until he was back on the Opinion page asking for a tax hike to build a new gym at a cost of approximately $1.5 million! According to board members at the time, they had enough money in the bank (approximately $5 million) but they wouldn't dare use any of that. Makes one wonder how much money do they have on hand today?

I am not "anti kids," but this country has the best education system money can buy. The truth is more money cannot solve all our education problems. Most of which are moral! This nation has lost its moral anchor. We seem to think it's OK to give $50 million in food stamps to able-bodied people who refuse to work. The word of God that this nation was founded on plainly stated in 2nd Thess. 3:10 that "if a man won't work, don't feed him!"

The liberals in this country and in our own community seem to have an insatiable appetite for other people's money. They really believe that they know what's best for everyone and especially their money. If you noticed, the principal of our school stated "we need to build some now" maybe a couple of million dollars and then again in a couple of years ($2-3 million more?) It is not his money so it's easy for him to want to do this. They are not bashful about robbing us at all as long as they can do it legally (at the ballot box). We need to tell those who are riding in the wagon to get out and help the rest of us pull the load! And this also applies to our people in Washington, D.C.

A "NO"vote on the so called "Proposition Kids" will tell them to use the money on hand before asking for more and our tax levy will go back to the prior rate of 44 cents. So let's all get out there and do our part ... vote "No."

Sidewalk by

an open field?

I would like to know who's idea it was to spend thousands of taxpayer's dollars to build a sidewalk around an open field by PP hwy? If your going to waste our money at least attempt to spend it on something useful like building thousands of bat houses on the South side so the bats will eat the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes kill more humans each year than any other creature on Earth. Signed Skeeter Fighter

Downtown will

never be same

I don't KNOW what they were talking about. There is no historical downtown. We had lots of nice women's and men's clothing stores downtown and that now went out of business. Downtown Poplar Bluff will never be like it used to be. They're just blowing smoke!

Where were

recycle bins?

Why weren't the recycled bins out the weekend of July 18 and 19th? We had three weeks of stuff to recycle.