Letter to the Editor

Neelyville schools needs voter support

Friday, July 25, 2014

To the Editor:

My son Glen is 14 years old and has autism. Last year we switched to the Neelyville School District due to a move we made to country living. Glen had attended a larger school district and had severe problems with bullying. Moving to Neelyville school has been one of the best decisions we have ever made. Glen has excelled academically, emotionally and socially. He had always dreaded school in the past but now he is excited about learning and being with friends. The teachers, counselors, students and school board have all welcomed us in and went above and beyond to help us.

Unfortunately Neelyville and Hillview schools are in desperate need of repairs. As I am new to this area, I can see issues that other people have seen for years and possibly overlooked. I am asking that the upcoming election, which will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 5, be spotlighted in the Daily American Republic. Our rural area depends on your newspaper to keep us updated. Proposition Kids is an election for our children. For our future. The small tax that would be implemented would be used for a great purpose. Our students deserve it. Our school district deserves it.

We are truly blessed to be a part of this tight knit community. My wish is that others could see how awesome our children are. Neelyville is a place to belong - just ask Glen.

Amanda Thurman

Harviell, Mo.