Speak Out 6/19/14

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Quit bashing

City Council

Yes. My concern is the slamming and bashing of the new city council and the firing of a man who was making $120,000 some a year. What I would like to know with all the uproar over his firing and God love him his poor little salary where was the concern for the city cable employees who lost their jobs? I've not heard the former city council say a thing about them. They didn't ask when all the contacts talks came up and everything about the cable company. No one them asked what was going to happen to those workers? It's a shame that we worry about a man whose had a job all these years and we can't worry about the ordinary man who's barely getting by. I think we need to look into the former council and how crooked they were or stop bashing the new city council. Give the new city council a chance to do their job.

Of course this won't make it in Speak Out because we all know that it is Republican-owned paper and a right-wing paper, so I hope you will print this in fairness.