Speak Out 4/9/14

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ban them from

city meetings

Just finished watching the City Council of March 17. Two residents that do not live in the city of Poplar Bluff got up to speak. Neither one of them made any sense. Becker should be banned from all City Council meetings. Why was Angela Pearson constantly looking at him during the council meeting? She had all her information up front yet she still has to ask so many silly questions. Then, you get Peter Tinsley up there. He has questions that had already been answered. He's running for City Council. He couldn't even control his own business and manage it. Brian Becker could not manage his own business. He had to take a year off to find himself. C'mon, people, let's get real. We need to keep who we have in the office. Mr. Bagby is doing a wonderful job! I was proud of the way he controlled Becker and Mr. West. Thank you.