Speak Out 2/2/14

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Thank you,

kind stranger

To the gentleman that brought hot chocolate to the ladies that was standing in the cold waiting for the community action to open, THANK YOU THANK YOU. Just shows that there still good people in this cruel and mean world. Thank you again kind stranger.

Stop the


I was calling in regarding your Thursday, Jan. 23rd article about Missouri deer hunters, "Hunting Reaches Crossroads." That's got to be the biggest bunch of crap I believe I have ever read. Evidently the man who wrote that or the man who was giving him the information must have stayed in the cabin all winter, all during deer season cause they definitely do not know what is out there. If they would stop the poaching up in their areas they're talking about that would end a lot of the problems with the deer population. These same people get out there and poach the deer and then holler to the conservation department that there's a lack of deer. They just need to continue with the deer season the way it is because this deer season was horrible. I just wanted to let you know what I felt about this. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Seeking justice for victim

Yes, in Ellsinore here while back we had an elderly man that was beaten pretty bad. I think he lost sight in one eye. And, the young man that did this to him has still not been brought to trial. So what is the clue that this young man and his family seem to know to keep him from getting the justice that he deserves. The older man should get some justice, but I realize now days it is the person that does the crime is the one who seems to get all the justice in this world. Someday he will get it--one way or the other. Thank you.

Give credit

for paying

This is concerning the people who have to pay their spend down amount. I sent mine off on Jan. 3rd. The confirmation said they got it. The money order has been cashed and the month is almost up and I still have not even got credit for it. They need to revamp the system. When a person sends a money order and sends it delivery confirmation you track it clear down to the bank and the State of Missouri still don't give you credit for it--that really sucks! This is maddening! I need my medicine. I paid my spin down and I just can't get credit for it. Thank you.



I'm calling regarding the downtown stride to develop CID article in Thursday, Jan. 23rd paper. I read the article with some interest, but nowhere in the article did it say what the acronym CID stood for. I would very much like to know so I know whether to help support the downtown Poplar Bluff movement or not support it. But I think it is very important that if the newspaper is going to print an article on something that they let the people know what it is. Thank you.

Editor's Note: CID is an acronym for community improvement district, which was the focus of the article and was written out in the first sentence of the story. Thereafter referring to it by its acronym is permissible according to Associated Press style, i.e. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Defending your rights pledge

I was wondering how many people has ever read the defending your rights pledge that the attorneys take when they pass their law. I think even the attorneys should go back and read this because it says they will never mislead the judge or the jury and at all times conduct themselves in accordance to the rules of the professional conduct. There's a lot there they need to think over and see if their life maintains to that. Thank you.