Speak Out 12/5/13

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mona Charen

can't write

I was just readin' the article in today's DAR by Mona Charen about "Obama's soft despotism." After readin' the first 15 lines, down to that Iran-Contra deal, I quit readin' it. The woman apparently don't know how to write or something or somebody's gettin' their writing wrong, 'cause she's saying here that Obama' Hurricane Katrina and his Iraq --I think it was George W., wasn't it? They don't mention until way on down here, but somebody that writes like that--anybody--reporter that writes like that don't deserve to have it read. She needs to wake up, smell the roses and get the facts straight before she starts dictating into that little dictatin' machine.

Where's tax

money going?

I just received my Christmas present from Butler County: a $1,200 tax statement. I don't mind paying my share to help keep the public safe and other public services up-to-date, but I am almost ashamed to live on an unpaved county road that stays in the same condition as it did 50 years ago, and to find out recently that our deputies are so underpaid.