Speak Out 11/18/13

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sticker shock

Here's a little something few people are paying attention to, but the inaction of our Congress has caused a sudden spike in a commodity that nearly every home uses. And, no, I'm not talking about gasoline. I'm talking about something as simple as milk. That's right, people. At one of the nation's largest mass merchants that owns a club where you can purchase in volume and save a few cents on items a gallon on milk went up 50 cents in just one month's time. That's right! The average is now well over $3 a gallon and they're talking of milk possibly shooting, after the first of the year, of going up to well over $8 a gallon if the farm bill doesn't pass. So why we are sitting here arguing about the semantics of Obamacare and lesbian and gay rights and all of these other wonderful things Congress is focusing on to keep us blind to the other real problems let your pocketbook take a little bit more of a sticker shock when you look at your child holding out a bowl of cereal like little Oliver Twist saying, "May I have more, please." Think of that when you go to vote next year.

Implants vs. scaffold

Previously I read an article (I think it was in Speak Out) "Should Sex Offenders have a Tracking Device Implanted in Them?" My personal opinion is if they're convicted by a jury of their peers to where they need one of those . . . well, nix that. They need to put a scaffold up there on the court house lawn and they need to hang 'em and let 'em swing about seven days with a sign around their neck that says, "This is what happened to me because I committed sexual misconduct and I'm a menace to little kids." That's just my opinion.