Speak Out 8/26/13

Monday, August 26, 2013

Don't force smoke on


I'd like to comment on the drive to have Poplar Bluff smoke-free in public places. It's not good for the health of our young people working in restaurants. I know several teenagers who don't smoke, but need jobs so bad they're willing to breathe that in. What's wrong with our City Council? Why would you want your kids and grandkids breathing that in? If a person can't withhold smoking for one meal that should not destroy someone else's lungs. There are a lot of nonsmokers who would like to go to not just restaurants but other public places that filled with smoke. For instance we can't join local clubs like the Elks and things like that. I even had to leave a baby shower one time because the smoke was everywhere and there were kids running around everywhere It was ridiculous. Christmas parties for large companies. There's a very large company here in town had a Christmas party at the Black River Coliseum where there's not supposed to be any smoking, but there was. We were so sick with smoke we had to leave. We couldn't even participate in something fun like that for our business. Even a local grocery store allows smoking. I applied for a job one time in a private company, went in and had to make a u-turn because there was so much smoke in the entry area. I get that some people can't quit, I realize that, but I don't think they should force it on other people. What about our lungs that we want to keep healthy? Why don't we post ads in all the windows in businesses around town for places that smoke so we can at least avoid them instead of going there and turn around and leave. Please, somebody, get some common sense.

Discourage booze, too

What gives with Walmart? They discourage smokers by not selling lighter fluid or flints, but they'll sell alcoholics mixed drinks by the single serving and moonshine that tastes like dessert. I don't understand that.