Speak Out 8/12/13

Monday, August 12, 2013

City worker


All of the negative comments regarding the City Workers in Poplar Bluff needs to stop. The city workers provide services for the community that ensure we are safe from harm and comfortable in our daily lives . I am speaking of your policeman, firemen and those that make sure that you have electricity, water and working sewers and for your pleasure cable. When these people are hired their benefits, and I am speaking of their insurance is part of their salary. They are not hired at a huge hourly rate. Do you not realize that these people often put their lives in danger and harms way to provide you with safety, comfort, clean water, working sewers and electricity? Do you know that they are on call 24/7 without pay unless they are called out to work. And often at any time of the day or night they then have to track down other workers to come in and assist them to provide a service to you? Do you know that they work in the freezing cold, the blistering heat, the rain and work with your human waste? It does not matter if it is a holiday or the middle of the night they are there for us. Remember the ice storm a couple of years ago? I personally was home alone with no electricity in the county while my spouse was working day and night for two solid weeks bringing you electricity and water. These people did not get to come home and be with their families; they were working for you. Realize that regardless if they are protecting you from evil people, fighting a fire, in a 15 foot trench surrounded by dirt to fix your water on top of an electric pole they are risking their lives for you. They also have a job that potentially and often does cause physical injuries that at times are life long.

My point is, stop all of the negative comments regarding these people and realize all of the good they do for you all day, every day and next time you encounter a city worker you might want to thank them for all that they do for you.

It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. It's all about morality. Thank you.