Letter to the Editor

Protecting Missouri from federal govt.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

To the Editor,

When you go to the store to buy a shirt, you find several different sizes of the same shirt on a rack and you can pick which shirt fits you the best. It would be very impractical for shirt manufacturers to make only one size and expect every person to wear the size that may not fit them. However ridiculous this may sound, this is exactly what our federal government is attempting to do.

Whenever the federal government makes a law, it is one-size-fits-all and does not take into consideration the different needs of different areas of our great nation. This is one reason why the USA has divisions called States. For example, Missouri has different needs when it comes to energy than Maine since we derive that energy from different sources whether it be coal, water or wind. Yet the Federal Government attempts to fit Missouri into the same cookie cutter laws under the EPA that Maine is under and vice versa.

If the Federal Government would stick to the responsibilities given it under the Constitution, the states could govern themselves without hindrance and do what is best for its own citizens, since those who know best for a state are the citizens of that state. Yet, as we have seen throughout this legislative session, our State House and Senate have been forced to protect Missouri against overbearing Federal regulations that have no place in the State of Missouri and have had much less time to consider legislation that will move this state forward in regard to economics, education, and energy.

I am thankful for the Missouri General Assembly and the good work they have done for Missouri, I congratulate them on their willingness to protect us from Federal Encroachment and I pray, at some point, we can concentrate as a state on the betterment of Missouri rather than the protection of Missouri from the Federal Government.

Eddy Justice

Poplar Bluff, Mo.