Speak Out 4/21/13

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Leave brick

streets alone

The brick streets are very pretty. They are a little rough to drive on if a person drives slow they are not bad. They do not need to be replaced. It took men a long time to build the street. My dad was one of them men. I'm 85 years old. I love driving down Main Street; the brick is so very pretty. If the people don't like to drive on the brick there are other streets to go on. Leave the brick street alone.

Thanks for

removing trash

My husband and I would like to say, "Thank you. Thank you," to whoever picked up and bagged the trash on M Highway. You are very much appreciated.

Tell Congress

you're fed up

Has anyone noticed the wonderful affordable care act that is now going to strip from the most vulnerable among us, and by that I mean, I mean those living on disability and strictly social security an extra $103 a month in their Medicare premium. That's right. It's going from $97 a month to $200 a month. You can do the math, seniors. You can do the math, disabled. It's time that instead of our income backsliding so Republicans and Democrats to play their games in Congress, playing tug-o-war with each other, it's time we notified them that we're voters, we're angry and we're not going to have our incomes slide when they can't cut robotic world and the like. So, America, time for you to wake up and tell these idiots in Congress, you've had enough.

First guns,

next knives

14 stabbed on campus today. Comrade Obama, Biden, Reid and McCaskill need to have a background check on knives now and limit the blades size to, maybe, a half inch. Thank you.