Speak Out 12/1/12

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Take care of

America first

I'm watching CNN news right now. Lindsay Graham is happening now. He's talking about Ambassador Rice's statement about Benghazi. He's all red-faced and puffed up. He better slow down. He's about to explode! He's talking about the statement that she made and the lady come on and talked about it. Now, he's back on -- red-faced and about to blow mind apart. What about George Bush when he said there was atomic bombs and everything in Iraq? He made the statement himself--the President of the United States made that statement -- they never said a thing about that.

But they're all on the Ambassador -- the statements that she made. Why don't they get to the facts and get to case that's in the hands --the clip. We need work here in the United States. We need a lot of stuff in the United States. Not something that happened over there and let them clear that up. But, our congressmen and senators and all that stuff get on TV and talk about some winkie-dink stuff next to nowhere --it's just ridiculous. Take care of America, ladies and gentlemen! And, Lindsay you better go back to South Carolina and cool off. Your face is red. You look like you're about to have a heart attack. Thank you. Bye.


on Speakout

Two comments about today's [Wednesday, Nov. 22] Speak Out. 1) the article entitled: Smoking Death is a Shame--should be noted that voting age is 18, not 21. 2) In response to James Bond being a womanizer--I believe he's a bachelor. Check with the books.

Texting and

driving stupid

How many people are going to have to die before they change the law where you cannot text and drive at any age? Sometime this week, if I hadn't been watching I'd have been hit hard by a car that was coming pretty fast and texting going down the road. It is so stupid. I cannot believe that they allow -- the law allows them to do that. That's just as bad as drinking and driving, drugging and driving. Please help get this changed. Thank you.

God's proud of

Black Friday

I was just watching on TV about all the Black Friday shopping specials and how the people are running through the stores and you see people get trampled to death. Someone got into an argument over a parking place. Somebody else pulled a gun on somebody over some stupid toy that had been in the store for over a year. Fighting over all this stuff. I was just sitting here thinking. That's the Christmas spirit! That's what it's all about! It's all about love and peace and friendship and giving and giving praise to God. And, I'm sure God is real proud of these people right now. Is this what Christmas has come to?

Eden, Obama

and women

I just read in Sunday's paper where women voters stuck with Obama. I find it interesting that women vote in larger numbers than men and that women overrule men at the ballot box. It almost reminds you of the Garden of Eden when the woman, Eve, was tempted at the forbidden tree. She was tempted and ate of fruit and therefore Adam and Eve were thrown or expelled from the Garden of Eden in shame. I wonder how the women will like the next four years? Think about it.

Bill, Rush, etc. you are fired

Thank you, God, that we have TV and radio. This way we can mute or turn off the programs when people like Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Alan West come on. Bill, Rush and Alan, you're all fired. Thank you.