Speak Out 4/27/12

Friday, April 27, 2012


getting better?

In this election cycle, we have politicians from the president on down saying this economy is getting so much better than it was when our president took office. And, yet I want to ask one simple question. And, it's something relatively easy to answer. Why is the use of food stamps now soaring? At the highest it's ever been. Why are applications for Medicaid and Welfare now starting to soar again? When Welfare was down for so many years. Now, all of a sudden, it's starting to soar again. If everything is getting so much better in our economy, why are these numbers sticking out like the proverbial sore thumb to be stuck in the eyes of our politicians that are currently lying to us about how good the economy really is. Just something to think about. I know I do. Any concerned voter should.