Speak Out 4/11/12

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

60% tax rate

in Denmark

Yes, I was calling about the article in the 19th of March paper -- the young man from Denmark who is the foreign exchange student. I don't think we really need to hear the prattling of a teenager. With all due respect to the young man, Denmark has almost 60 percent tax rates and they have universal health care, but it's problematic. And, you know he laughs when we complain about seven dollar a gallon gasoline. Why don't you check into what we did 67 years ago for Western Europe? They would all be speaking German and we probably would too if we hadn't have stepped in when we did. You need to think about these things. Do a little more fact checking. We don't need to hear all this talking bad about America comments. We really don't. Thank you.

Out with Tilley

and Limbaugh

It's a shame all that toilet paper wasn't used before it was delivered to House Speaker Steven Tilley's office on Monday, March 19. Our state capitol building doesn't need Rush Limbaugh or maybe even Steve Tilley there. Save the space for people with dignity and brains to be honored.

Wasn't Bales;

Muslims did it

Hey, Speak Out. On the news again this morning is a lot of talk about Staff Sgt. Bales--the one who was supposed to have killed 16 Afghanistans. Well, I know the answer. The Muslims did it. The Muslims did it so they could rile up the Muslim world. George Bush did the destruction of the Trade Towers to rile up the country and create good jobs for everybody. So, don't print this Speak Out because even if you print it that will rile up the Muslims, too.

Ignorance in

Twin Rivers

Ignorance is still alive in the Twin Rivers School District. If only 24 more people had voted "yes," all the students from the district could have benefitted from a brand new state-of-the-art middle school at Broseley that would have cost the people of the district absolutely no more money. Wonder what the people who voted "no" will say when the State says they have to do it and it's gonna cost them a lot more money.