Speak Out 2/15/12

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be careful

the next time

Yeah, DAR, you've got a fine newspaper, but reading today's paper dated Feb. 1, 2012, column one down toward the bottom area, a man-- area teen guilty of sodomizing a 21-month old baby and then right beside of it you put this little Anderson girl's picture or boy or girl, whatever it is picture from Brownie's Child Care. A lot of people would misunderstand and think that was the little girl or boy that it happened to. I think you better be a little more careful than that. God bless you all. But, I still think oughta be a little more careful about putting two things that close together.

Go ahead and

raise sales tax

By all means, let's raise the sales tax another one percent. That's just more reason to go St. Louis or Cape. You people are crazy!