Speak Out 10/20/11

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Looney Tunes

at the top

In the case of the clean energy company--the supposed clean energy company, Solynda--we learned from one person, a Solynda engineer, who is quoted thusly: "After we got the loan guarantee, they were spending money right and left. Because of the money, it made people sloppy."

So, supposedly clean energy was made dirty by filthy lucre. Not only that but here we have evidence that our current government is sloppy and unworthy of the national trust. It is time for another impeachment, and hurry it up before the money scales are empty. Before we hear the Looney Tune refrain or see it written on a wall somewhere, "That's All Folks!"

PB had best

gasoline prices

It's Wednesday, Oct. 12th. I just returned from Cape Girardeau. I am reading Speak Out about gas prices. Cape Girardeau gas prices today are $3.18 and $3.19. Poplar Bluff is $3.09. Thank you.

Library lot

full of cop cars

Why do we pay a library tax? You go down there to use the thing and you can't even get on the parking lot for all the police cars. I guess the city's broke and can't fix their parking lot. Time for some changes, folks.