Speak Out 10/5/11

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mad science

Today, our Congress is arguing easing the Clean Air Act. One of the components of that Clean Air Act is mercury. And, they are arguing the damage that easing the act will cause to people across our fine nation if they were to relax the regulation. Yet, our Congress forgets one fact. By law, they have now ordered every citizen across this fine country to bring more concentrated mercury into their homes in the form of these wonderful, little efficient light bulbs -- you know those little curly-Q wonders that are replacing the incandescent bulbs -- than you would ever breathe in a lifetime of even living next door to a power plant at anywhere in America. In just one light bulb there's more concentrated mercury than a lifetime of living near a power plant. But, then again, that is the wonder of government picking winners and losers in the jumbled, mad science of the EPA. But, then again, that just shows how the greenies that are throttling this business and mixing the mad science that they are using for regulating business and our populous are destroying our nation.

So remember that when you go to vote. I, myself, have loaded up on incandescents. I fight with my pocketbook, but then again, few know that. I'm an engineer. Many in America don't have that access to that type of information. Just something I'd like to pass along to debunk the information coming out of Congress. I'm tired of the lies that are being told by our wonders in Congress.


I'm just calling to say that it's rainin' and I'm drivin' down FF Hwy., which was just redone and it is a terrible job they have done on this road. There's still puddles and hydroplaning is dangerous event that can happen all the time on this road. W Hwy. in Poplar Bluff, they did a good job on. U Hwy. to Bernie, they did a good job one, but this is one of the worst jobs I've ever seen and I just had to gripe about it.

Bleeding hearts

While MSNBC goes on about the fact that somewhere in the world there is a kindergartener who is going to someday grow and be an executioner. That's right, folks, an executioner. A child that will someday grow up to take the life of some criminal unjustly convicted of a heinous crime.

Well, let me tell you this, folks, call me! I will gladly take the lives of these scum that have been convicted of the heinous crimes of taking a life because in the Bible, even though it says, Thou shalt not kill, it also says, An eye for an eye. Remember that, MSNBC! We forget that criminals have been using these type of nonsense to get away with murder for centuries, playing on the heartstrings of the bleeding hearts in our society for centuries and I'm tired of it. While we spend billions of dollars feeding, clothing and coddling them. Frankly, I say, line 'em up and start pulling the switch one-a-day and start saving the money that could be better used for things like education, infrastructure. You see where I'm going with this. Instead of coddling our criminals, let's put the money to better use.

Stop nonsense

Again the leader, Ahmadinejad of Iran, focuses on slavery as he attacks America in a speech at the United Nations. I have objected to what this man says and this newspaper has printed my comment a couple of times, but where is the objection from others? Those in this country who have a bully pulpit for instance not excluding you as well or our schools. Hitler's comment on getting people to believe a lie, tell a monstrous lie and keep repeating it and pretty soon it will be accepted as the truth. This man is our modern day Hitler. Every loyal American needs to face him down. The answer to this man is --you, yourself. You should know the history of slavery going back to the 7th Century and you will not let a modern day Hitler keep smearing your country with the blame for it. The approval for slavery by Islam is in the Koran, folks. Demand the United Nations stop this nonsense. Thank you.