Letter to the Editor

America must be united in opposing Iranian aggression

Thursday, January 9, 2020

To the Editor:

President Trump has recently taken bold action to protect Americans in the Middle East from the scourge of state-sponsored terrorism. In recent weeks, the country of Iran has targeted American citizens, Iran has attacked our embassy and threatened the lives of hundreds of people. Indeed, Iran seeks to totally wipe out the American presence in the Middle East altogether. In the wake of such aggression, Americans need to recognize that the President is taking the necessary action to save lives and protect democracy.

In the long history of the War on Terror, Iran has been a constant contributor and supporter of terrorist activities and organizations around the globe. While the United States has been working to undo decades of turmoil and dictatorship in the Middle East, Iran continues to seek ways to undermine peace and exploit conflict for its own political gains. Over the years, it has become clear that the United States of America remains the sole power preventing the Islamic Republic of Iran from dominating the region.

Whenever American strength falters in the region, Iran begins to advance its own power and its own vision of a fundamentalist Islamic empire in the region. Our nation cannot allow this to happen. The idea of a rogue, fundamentalist nation dominating the Middle East spells disaster for American foreign policy and security. Since the Ayatollah came to power 40 years ago, America has recognized the necessity to stop Iranian expansion.

With this in mind, we should all stand behind our president and present a united front to the tyrannical forces of Iran. No one is better informed or in a better position to defend the national security of the United States. Pundits can debate what should happen all they may like, Democrats and leftists in Congress can complain that they were not informed of his decisions, but the fact of the matter remains that the president of the United States is the Commander in Chief. As leader of our armed forces, he is vested with the Constitutional authority to use military force to prevent imminent harm to American citizens.

That is exactly what President Trump did when he authorized the strike on Iranian General Soleimani. The president announced that long-time terrorist leader Soleimani was planning imminent attacks that could kill hundreds of Americans. For years, Soleimani had orchestrated attacks on American soldiers. The President determined it was in the best security interests of the United States to launch a strike. Now, Iran threatens to retaliate. Iran threatens to cause more harm. Now is not the time for Democrats to score political points by attacking the President. Now is the time to present a united front to America’s enemies.

When the United States retreats from the world, tyranny rises. We have a responsibility as a nation to protect the Iraqi people from Iranian takeover and to work to preserve peace in the Middle East. While Americans may disagree on specific policies and legislation, we must unite around the cause of liberty around the globe. The president can count on the support of Southeast Missouri in defending freedom, and I ask that all Americans rally behind a President who is willing to do what is necessary to defend the United States of America.

Eddy Justice

Poplar Bluff

Republican candidate for Senate District 25