Country music performers Shenandoah will headline the annual Valentines for Veterans concert.
The band will perform Feb. 16 at the Black River Coliseum, VA staff said Saturday.
Robert Wake of the Wake Foundation, which helps sponsor the event, made the announcement with Dr. Patricia Hall during an event at John J. Pershing VA Medical Center to honor veterans.
The Annual Welcome Home Celebration offered food, entertainment and family activities following the opening ceremony and remarks by Hall and Wake.
Both events are held to show appreciation for the service of veterans, according to the VA.
February's concert is provided with no charge for tickets because the cost has already been paid by veterans, the VA says each year. Staff will announce ticket availability at a later date, with preference given to veterans and their families.
The Welcome Home event held Saturday was first organized in 2008, to spotlight returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.
It now serves as a way to recognize all veterans.
"Today, we are celebrating the return of generations of veterans from theaters around the globe," said Army veteran John Cornelius during the opening ceremony. "It is with great honor and pride that we gather to recognize their commitment to duty, and sacrifice of personal well being to fight and defend the freedoms that make America the greatest nation in the world."
Proper ceremonies to welcome home veterans are incredibly important, said Hall, a retired Army colonel.
"I'll never forget the volunteers that greeted me when I got off the plane the first time from Afghanistan, with phones so I could call my family in Maine to tell them I'd landed safely on U.S. soil," Hall said. "I'll never forget the family and friends that lined the airstrip at Fort Campbell when I landed back from Somalia.
"But not everybody got that, so this is your welcome home."
The event included information on VA services for veterans, 600 hot dogs and 300 hamburgers provided by Colton's Steak House, a car show and other activities.
The following organizations and individuals also helped with the event: Wake Foundation, VFW Post 6477, American Legion Post 153, Flowers Baking Co., Pepsi Cola, Air Evac, Home Depot, VFW Post 3416, Orscheln Farm and Home, Moark, Sara Lee, National Guard Unit 1221 and VA employees.