Speak Out 2/4/18

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Take flu shot!

Like I told Speak Out in the summer. Why don't these people prepare for winter better and get the flu shot!? Not so much work and school would be missed in January, February and whenever. Better to be prepared. Shots are available at Butler County Health Center. Thank you.

Council, Court could utilize

existing space

This coming December the city will retire the bonds that paid for Black River Coliseum, the Municipal Library expansion, 911 upgrades and other projects. That will free up bonding capacity for capital improvements that could help finance a FUTURE new building at Second and Oak streets that is DESIGNED to be a City Hall. Municipal Utilities and the Police Department are getting by for now in admittedly cramped quarters. That doesn't have to last forever. The Council Chambers and Municipal Court could utilize - TEMPORARILY -- the existing space at the Coliseum.

Major derailment

This city is in no shape financially to continue on this madcap race toward a MAJOR DERAILMENT of the runaway financial train. Nothing should happen until the city gets its financial house in order and has a viable PLAN for future city buildings.

Sensible decisions

Every able-bodied citizen in town should start attending City Council meetings immediately and demand some sensible decisions. If thinking citizens don't get involved, and fast, our grandchildren will be making payments for many decades to come and wind up with more dilapidated city buildings to show for it.

Steadfastly trying

Thank goodness Mayor Ed DeGaris decided to file for re-election. He and fellow council members Barbara Horton and Robert Smith are to be commended for steadfastly trying to stay the course. They need help.

Get heads

on straight

Yes, Speakout, I'm tryin' to figure this out. I keep hearin' about Eric Greitens. He had an affair. Well, most men have, most of 'em don't admit it. Most of 'em can't work it out. But, he had it BEFORE he ran for office. So where are all these people when Bill Clinton did what he did in the White House and Hillary covered it up? I can't figure it out. It's ok for Democrats I guess but not ok for Republicans. Everybody needs to get their head on straight. Yet the man and his family cannot work it out if ever body is gonna jump around and harp on it and the woman he had the affair with - God help her. She knew better and he did too. And I'm sure hoped that they have asked God to forgive them. But where's all these people when Clinton was in the White House havin' sex with this one and that one and in uh, Arizona, um, not Arizona, Arkansas? He did that down there the police covered up for 'em. Trash, what he is. Give a man a chance. Ever body makes mistakes. If you don't, I'd sure like to meet you.

Give kids

yearly flu shots

I don't understand why at the beginning of the school year why aren't kids getting flu shots? When they start giving them out like ages 6 mos and on to prevent the disease getting so bad this at time of year. They are usually free or reduced at Butler County Health Center on Main St. Better than bein' miserable. Thank you.