Speak Out 2/20/17

Monday, February 20, 2017

Volunteer to help at the county fair

Hello, Speak Out. I hope you print this. I volunteered to work at the fair last year for Butler County and I understand there's been growing from what it used to be, but a lot of people, I hear, they're complaining about acts that they have at the fair, the prices and things like that. I hear a lot of people complaining about what the volunteers do but I see that there are not enough volunteers helping put on something that helps the community like that. You know they just need to think sometime you know maybe the prices wouldn't be so high if more people would get involved and care about this community and help with their own community. You know these people work really hard try to put a fair on -- a decent fair -- for this community and then everybody wants to complain about it after it's said and done. You know we need to all pull together and help out this community and then maybe we could have a wonderful fair and prices wouldn't be so outrageous, so you know if people really want to get involved let's all help these people together because they volunteer their time and everything too to try to make things right. Thank you for your time.