Speak Out 2/13/17

Monday, February 13, 2017

Newspaper is

rolled too tight

When I was a kid 70 years ago (70 + years ago) I bicycle delivered the Globe Democrat five early mornings a week for four years. I threw about 300 - 350 papers out onto porches from my bicycle from the street. I folded my papers in a square so I could spin throw them. You could open them up and have no trouble holding them open while you read them. Now, the DAR rolls the paper so very tightly and puts a rubber band on them so when you open them up you have to fight the paper to stay unrolled even to try and read it. Is there anything that can be done about it? Like not rolling it so tight. I'm almost 80 years old now and it's sure aggravating to try to read the wonderful DAR and hold it open at the same time. Thank you, Speak Out.

Let pros

treat our water

Yes, I was just wondering, I remember reading in your paper that I think it was city engineers that were gonna add that UV component and ultra violent component to our water system to clean the water better. I think it would be in everybody's best interest that it would be somebody that has actually done it instead of relying on engineers that maybe never have done that before. I think that is something that should be done professionally because our water seems to be getting worse by the day. I see a brown sediment that's coming through a "clean" water line. It's not mud. It's not the consistency of mud and I have no idea what it is. All I know is we're drinking it and I would soon have the job with that UV component done professionally by people that do that theirselves. Thank you very much.

Raiders player



Yes, I was very disturbed to see that one Three River College basketball player refused to remove his hoodie the night they played the National Anthem at the Three Rivers basketball game. Maybe he should go somewhere else and see if they'll pay for his education just so he can play basketball and he doesn't play that well anyhow.