Speak Out 12/24/16

Saturday, December 24, 2016

The demise of

east, south PB

Hello Speak Out. You know I've never heard anyone comment on why all the development all the tax dollars being spent are being spent west and north of Poplar Bluff. It's as though the powers that be want to forget that the east side even exits or that the south side and 53 area even exists.

You know I can remember when east side was a very thriving economic area. There were multiple new car dealerships, new motorcycle dealerships, multiple places to eat, motels, restaurants, numerous gas stations and garages and I guess nobody gives a rip about trying to keep it up, but it seems like it's the demise of the east side and south end for that matter all tie into the development of government housing! I remember when Twin Towers was built. I guess that last investment made on the east side was the Housing Authority's office. One grocery store on the east side now. Go back and look at the old records and see how many there used to be. It's sad! It is truly sad! Hardware stores. Auto parts stores. PB Ice Company. Paint businesses. Glass businesses. Now look at it . . . maybe it just depends on who owns the property. Reckon?

Sending our

money to Flint

Our Missouri senators and representatives voted to send $130 million to Flint, Mich, for the water. How much did they send to Poplar Bluff? What a mess! Thank you.