Letter to the Editor

Political stereotypes

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Dear Editor:

The Republican Party Has Always Been the Party of the Working Class

Political Stereotypes can persist long after the facts have changed. A co-worker made the ". . . Party of the working class" comment the other day. I did look to see if he was being humorous. Let's briefly fact check that hypothesis.

Republican Legislators: Are adamant against raising the minimum wage. Is this a victory for the working class?

GOP: against OSHAA safety regulations in the work place and want to abolish the EPA. HR 3438, now on the floor of the House allows delay of any Health of Safety regulation.

Against Planned Parenthood-85% of women who seek health care have incomes below $23,500. These are the working poor.

Republicans squander an amazing amount of time and money fighting Obamacare which brings needed health insurance to the working class.

Trickle Down Economics has been a Republican mantra for years. Cut taxes on the wealthy and money will trickle down to the rest of us. False--the rich are getting richer and the rest of us haven't seen a cent of that money.

Republicans fight against the Death Tax. Get serious. This only comes into play after an individual estate of 5 million dollars -- that is no working man in my neighborhood.

"Abolish the IRS" the GOP cries. Now that sounds great. But think about it. How do we pay for this whole grand scheme that we call America. Cuts to the IRS have made it impossible now to catch many of the crooks. So, who pays more as a consequence. You and I.

There is an emerging theme. It is not the working class that is being helped here, rather it is the wealthy.

Now if I have missed some great benefit to the working class being offered by the Republican Party I would be pleased to read about it here. Thank you.

Terry Baker

Qulin, Mo.