Speak Out 6/22/16

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

VA needs more

than one doctor

I am writing in concern with what is happening at the Poplar Bluff VA. I was talking with a Disabled Veteran the other day and was informed they only have ONE (1) FULL TIME DOCTOR on Campus and the rest are Nurse Practitioners. Granted I have nothing against Nurse Practitioners so long as there is an adequate amount of Doctors to oversee them. Most people don't realize that Nurse Practitioners cannot prescribe narcotics, etc., A Licensed Doctor has to write the script and as many Veterans as we have that go to the Poplar Bluff VA ONE (1) Doctor is NOT ENOUGH!!!!

The Veteran I was speaking to also my neighbor was explaining this information to me. He is out of his pain medication and his former Doctor has left the VA for better pay and hours so now he has to depend on this ONE AND ONLY full time doctor whom he has never seen to get his prescriptions filled and he takes several (Not all are pain). So what are we going to do about this. Well I am writing the Newspaper today because I think it is DISRESPECTFUL TO OUR VETERANS' when I drive by the VA and see them spending THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON THE PARKING LOT BUT CANNOT GET FULL TIME DOCTORS IN THERE !!!! I want to make my voice heard to you as well as I will be sending letters to our congress, senate and anyone else who will listen in regards to this matter.

They should not be losing good Doctors due to the hours and long shifts they are forced to work when they can afford more Full Time Doctors. They can stop all the unnecessary spending they do and put forth more effort in TAKING CARE OF OUR VETERANS!!!


A Concerned Citizen for Disabled Veterans.

P. S. After speaking with my neighbor I have spoken with a few other Veterans and have heard similar stories from them.