Speak Out 5/15/16

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bewildered mom seeks quality time

I would like to be a voice for countless mothers and fathers that are growing older and maybe feeling a little melancholy at this time of our life.

But I would like to address this to all of our children that feel like a short email or a text message replaces a weekly precious telephone conversation where we can at least hear the voice of our children asking us how we are, how has our week been, have any changes taken place in our life since we last talked.

I thought text messaging and emails would somehow enhance the weekly calls and they could at least once a month visit our homes to spend 30 minutes to an hour with us. Just some quality time together. But all I get is a child standing the whole time playing with their phone. It takes up the whole 20 or 30 minutes I have with them. They are trying to fit me into their time between their phones and TV. I've tried to have them come for dinner without them having to help in its preparation - just come by and have a nice family gathering with conversation without the phones on so they are not spending time on the phones or hurrying to get gone. I have resorted to writing my children and grandchildren letters each week. Seems the phones and games and TV is replacing our family quality time. The phones and TV are an addiction like drugs or alcohol. They tell me my letters are too lengthy. I would like some feedback. I am just sharing some of my concerns and thought maybe others are having the same problem. Can I have at least one person share their opinion on this. Thank you. Sincerely, a bewildered mother.