Speak Out 4/28/16

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Liquor at the

water park!!!

I can't believe that city council voted to put liquor at the water park. Why of all the places you can have liquor why you put it right under the children's noses. This will only teach our kids there is no boundaries. I'm angry that I voted for people who have no morals. You're telling me a parent can't take one afternoon to be with their children without having a drink. Your council men and women have become a problem with Poplar Bluff. Do you not talk to the police officers who have to pull up over drunk drivers? Now they will have to pull over mothers with children with them. Where are all the decent, upright people? That decision just showed how smart you all are. I will not be taking my children to the water park ever again. You're supposed to be for this community--men, women and children--with their best interest.

Now not only will we need to know if people running for council have filed for bankruptcy, but now we need to know if they have any morals.