Speak Out 1/10/16

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Collecting box

tops for schools

This is in response to the individual inquiry as to which school collect box tops. I know for a fact Eugene Field would be thrilled to accept them.

Be open to


Hello, it's obvious the downtown board doesn't know what to do with downtown. I've never seen Poplar Bluff do anything for the people of Poplar Bluff except make a small skateboard area. There's a million other ideas -- give someone else a chance to suggest options. Have you ever thought about giving downtown over to letting the people have a free yard sale, inside and out, at least once a month? The coliseum charges too much. With the taxes I paid this month it should be free. How about giving a building to the churches to run for bands and singers around this area? What about a dance club for young teens? What about a movie theatre with reasonable popcorn and sodas for kids? Have you fixed the Rogers Theatre yet? I've looked at this torn up mess for years. Fruit stands and vegetable markets for free downtown instead of always charging everybody. Give the people a break. After all we have paid dearly to our city council that doesn't know how to handle money. Start to help the people of this area. Give instead of always looking at how to charge.

If you've got your nose in every board in Poplar Bluff, get off and let someone else have an idea. You spent thousands of dollars and time in those steps and what good did all that money do for anyone? It would have been better spent on security when the train drops off people in the middle of the night. There are so many ways to change downtown Poplar Bluff. You've just got to give people a chance to give you ideas and follow through. Thank you.

Turn on headlights

There is a law for drivers to turn on their headlights when it is raining. This goes for everybody. I see a bunch of Butler County residents breaking this law. Hey, it is a good law. Let us embrace it and honor it. It is for everybody's safety. Okay. Thank you.
