Speak Out 1/8/16

Friday, January 8, 2016

Why is highway

cross a problem

Regarding the Westwood/Kanell cross situation--I don't see why the cross symbol represents such a terrible influence to others. The cross represents freedom of religion. It represents goodness, love for one another and I don't see why it's a problem. If you don't like to look at it just look away. It's simple. Which would you rather have--a cross which represents freedom for one another or the swastika, which represents torture and freedom taken away. Which is more offensive? I think the cross represents love for one another and I think it should be wherever is a Christian. All the churches. It's just a problem that I see. My simple solution--look away, but don't try to take away the rights of others. Thank you so much.


gift for a child

I'm just going to give a heads up to people who obviously don't understand gift exchange with little children. When they have a $5 limit they assume that most people have $5 and if you don't have $5 please do NOT get the worst most torn up book in your house with binding pulled and the pages tore out of it and wrap it up and try to pass it off as a new gift to a child. All they know is that the pages are not there and something else, don't have the nerve to take another child's new gift when all you had is a piece of crap wrapped up. That is wrong on all accounts and you're teaching your child that when the other kids make fun of him for giving a terrible gift you've not taught your child anything. Remember, it's better to give than to receive, but don't expect people to be happy when they receive such a thoughtless gift. Thank you.

NewWave not

Kaplan's fault

Can't we blame this New Wave fiasco on Kaplan someway? No, that ball is squarely with Bagby, Absheer and DeGaris--all the hidden conversations going on. No wonder they didn't want the public to know about this. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Obama cartoon

not appreciated

I just want to let you know I do NOT appreciate the cartoon that is in Sunday, Dec. 20, paper. It is a very distasteful cartoon. I expect cartoons and horrible words like this to be said about our president on Facebook. I see it everyday. But I didn't not expect it from an editorial page in our local newspaper. Thank you.