Letter to the Editor

Final remarks on digital television

Friday, January 1, 2016

To the Editor:

THE CONFLICT: We are living in stressful times and changes in government policies are a matter of grave concern. When we the people seemly are forgotten. Fortunately we can still vote. A fight to save the country is up to the people. If the word fight alarms you, let's consider the closing days of the Apostle Paul who said, "I have fought a good fight . . . I have kept the faith: (2 Tim 4:7). When I think of this country that was given to us on the sacrifices of blood, sweat and tears. I had rather fight a good fight and be on the right side of history than to give it up to a gang of robbers with no concept of honesty or code of ethics.

Wickedness is often seen as taking advantage of others, to rob, steal or defraud them of their rights or freedom. These conspirators are so wicked they make the Mafia look like a bunch of choirboys. For this gang has ensnared the whole nation. The anxiety this has caused is spelled out in Proverbs, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Pr. 29:2).

If this digital scheme was thoroughly investigated, I believe some would be indicted and sent to prison. Quite noticeable is that its purpose and design is not for the progress of America, but for those in high places who hold people hostage to a rigid system which is to accumulate wealth for their own consumption. Never think this colossal giant can't be brought down to size, just because it holds the high ground. It is not invincible, as more people are informed, as its policies are exposed, I believe there will be a positive reaction in Congress to look into the questionable acts of this system. Whereas digital TV is lacking much to be desired.

TRUE OPTION: It appears the most effective force against evil is the element of truth. It has been the building block of many free civilized nations, and without it we couldn't have survived. When these conspirators had arbitrary taken over TV services they did not think about a reckoning with the truth of their actions. Any system whose structure is built on shoddy materials (deceit, lies) will not stand before a truthful examination. Therefore those traits cannot give us integrity and build a respectful society. It is the truth that will give us respect and hope for the future. As was spoken a long time ago, "It is the truth that makes us free". Ultimately, the truth will prevail and ensure our freedom once again.

Joe J. DePriest

Poplar Bluff, Mo.