Speak Out 12/12/15

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Computers are

all that's left

Poplar Bluff city council was sooooo eager to fire Doug Bagby and hire a "professional" city manager. Well, look what we got--a con artist and the council took the bait hook line and sinker. Had we kept Bagby and never gotten in bed with Kaplan and this ISI group out of Michigan that sold us a bill of goods - we probably would have had enough money for a new city hall. Now all we have are telephones that we don't need and computers that we are incapable of operating without paying this ISI bunch exorbitant "hosting fees." Go figure!!

County taxes

out of hand

This is in regards to Butler Co. 2015 tax bills. I have a few questions that maybe our assessor Marion Tibbs will answer to us taxpayers in the DAR.

Who is responsible for raising the valuation on our properties 7 percent in 2015? A few years ago Butler Co. had a large increase on property valuations county wide. Lots of houses and land is not worth anymore today than they were 10 years ago. How about some of your realtors commenting here. Our taxes have got to high and out of hand. Our assessor has the power to raise the valuation on our property anytime he feels like it. If you think he is to high you to prove it to him.

Why is our property valuations base on 19 percent of actual value? Why don't they make it 100 percent where the average person can understand it? Is this deceitful? Get ready for pay increases for the court house employees.

BHG group

really helps

Yes. I want to comment on the BHG group that article that was in the paper. Hey! This is no joke! This place is real! And I do believe if you want help from your addiction if you will check them out and go you will find that they are really nice and they really work with you and it helps. But you have to want to do this in order for the plan to be effective! And, it's not free! And, it's not cheap! But believe me, it can turn your life around and I am so glad that they are here in Poplar Bluff and I think more people need to, that are out there doing this kind of stuff, and also it is a lot of times your addiction to the opium is due to your painkillers which your doctors prescribed but you can't blame it all on them because you keep going back with pain and they'll keep giving it to you. So I think it is very good thing. Thank you.