Speak Out 8/15/15

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A question

for Crocker

Council member Philip Crocker is no different than members of the coalition who wants to have control over Municipal Utility funds. Real simple council member Crocker - why wouldn't the utility advisory board want to be autonomous from the likes of inept council members. Are you forgetting the city has already raided the utility fund to the tune of 4.5 million dollars. Hard sell to the community that council members could do a better job than the utility advisory board.

Maybe it's time

for youth

I am calling in regard to the city council vote on Monday night regarding the open seat on the council. First I would like to say thank you to Dr. Jack Rushin for all he has done for our community. I do not feel he should have been pressured to step down. However we all know the legal battle behind that was not of his doing but of those who wanted to see him step down. I do believe that part of that group are those who are pushing Susan McVey to become an applicant for this seat. I do not believe at this time we should put a former council member back in the seat. She was clearly defeated in the election. I appreciate her service to our community but would ask the council to please not put old blood back on our council seat. In addition Mr. Chrisman has done wonderful things for our community however that is not necessarily make him a good city council candidate. As far as the other four candidates I would hope that the council would look at our voter registration and the age groups who are being represented and who is not. There is a cry from the younger generation from the early twenties to the late thirties for representation on our council. There are two of the four that fall into this category. It would be nice to see new blood on the council with new ideas.